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Are you tired of cheaters ruining your Call of Duty experience? Meet RippedRobby, a notorious seller of illegal cheats and mods for the game. Through his YouTube channel Robby lures in unsuspecting players with promises of unfair advantages, only to charge them exorbitant amounts of money and leave them with banned accounts. Don't let Robby continue to profit off of his harmful and deceptive practices. Join us in exposing his actions and putting an end to cheating in the Call of Duty community. Read below for the full story

Stop Robby, Stop Cheating:

Keeping Call of Duty

Fair and Fun


This is Ripped Robby.


Robby, a once-promising content creator in the Call of Duty community, has resorted to selling illegal cheats for profit. Using his YouTube channel to promote his Discord and Cheat Shop, Robby charges hundreds of dollars for his cheats, which have resulted in players getting banned from the game. Despite not yet being caught by YouTube or Activision, Robby's actions have drawn the ire of the community.


We believe it is time to put an end to Robby's deceitful and illegal business. It is time for an uprising to stop this cheater and his harmful practices. We call upon YouTube and Activision to take action against him and to use Robby as an example for future cheating businesses.


Join us in the fight for fairness in the Call of Duty community. Sign the petition HERE and support our cause. Let's put an end to Robby's exploitative behavior and ensure that the gaming community remains a safe and enjoyable place for all.


Click here to see Robby's latest clickbait video.

Act now and help us make a difference.

Sign The Petition Today!


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